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  • 15 Mar 2025 10:09 AM | Lily Tanzer (Administrator)

    One exhibit finished (Highlights from the San Diego Museum of Art Artists Guild at MOPA) and another about to begin (Phes Gallery in Carlsbad – April 6-May 3) 47 works of art have been selected from 135 entries. The opening is April 6th -. Exhibiting artists in the Highlights exhibit held an informal farewell reception on March 6th and it was a grand farewell to an outstanding exhibit of Guild artists’ work. The range and quality of work was exceptional. 2025 will also include the Online International exhibit (August/September) and the Membership Exhibition at Gallery 21 (Nov 4-17). I am looking forward to continued Guild artist creativity and exploration of style, medium and ideas

    Toward that end we have initiated a new project for Guild artists, soon to be artists and collaborators, the Guild Atelier. We have scheduled sessions in the MOPA Museum building in Balboa Park on the third Thursday of every month from 11:00 to 2:00 (except March when we will meet March 27 instead). In February Julie Weaverling lead us in an “imagining” session. The purpose was to freely suggest venues, concepts, installations, audiences, participants, etc. We will continue this exploration at the March 27 Atelier. Jody Abssy and Leslie Pierce have stimulated us with curious and innovative group art exercises

    Another interesting experiment we are pursuing is in collaboration with the SD Museum of Art Community Engagement staff and muralist Mario Torero, a community engagement mural in the Sherman Heights neighborhood near downtown SD, Several Guild artists and sculptors are on board with this effort including myself.  Presentations were given by me on community engagement installations and John Ohl Webster on his conceptual art installation in Escondido.

     Guild artists and board members, Leslie Pierce and Kevin Inman are collaborating with the Museum staff in the development of an art workshop program. Potentially this will involve Guild artists as instructors for up-and-coming art students.

    Finally... Please Note! --- Board elections are scheduled for June!!!! There are openings for additional board members so let us know if you are interested. All Guild members are eligible to vote for the board.

    Jim Bliesner

  • 27 Jan 2025 2:50 PM | Lily Tanzer (Administrator)

    I hope everyone is taking their friends to see the great Highlights Guild exhibit at the Museum of Photographic Arts. Dammyer Gallery. It remains on exhibit until March 9. Artists in the exhibit please mark that date for art pick up. Catalogues are still available in the MOPA bookstore. Mark Elliot Lugo has placed six copies at the Central Library which will allow artist biographies to be accessible on the library site. Kudos to Mark! The video of the exhibit is now available on YouTube. A second video will soon be posted focused on the indelible footprint of Guild artists on the San Diego cultural landscape. We are hoping to continue to feature Guild artists in the studio, etc. over the coming years. Many thanks to Leslie Pierce for featuring Guild artists regularly on Instagram and Angelica for posting the regular ZOOM discussion group artists on Facebook.

     If you are not in that show the Guild offers another opportunity with the recent release of the prospectus for the Phes Gallery Exhibit for Guild members only. This is an excellent Carlsbad venue, but space is limited so get your work in soon. Deadline is March 31,2025 and the exhibit will be up from April 6-May 31.

    Our Online International Exhibition is planned for August -September 2025. This is open to all artists. Finally, Angelica has come though yet again for us and has scheduled an exhibition for Gallery 21 in Spanish Village. Stay tuned.

    A few months ago, the Board approved an effort to create an Atelier/ Workshop Initiative. Thanks to the assistance of Lucas Perez-Museum Artist Guild Liaison. we have received permission from the San Diego Museum of Art to use a space in the MOPA building. We held our first session, and it was attended by 13 artists. Leslie Pierce led the group with an Expressionist group design session. Jim Bliesner and Mario Torero Acevedo presented an update on the Sherman Heights Mural/community engagement project being conducted with the participation of Deidre Guevera, Director of Community Engagement for the Museum. Discussion regarding the involvement of Guild artists followed. That was followed by a discussion about future “pop up” exhibitions or collective installations.

    The room is available for one day per month, with additional time available. We will split the time between using the space for a workshop (ie life studies, various painting, sculpting and printmaking methods etc.) and using it to develop group conceptual art projects and exhibits. Currently we do not have a hook up for zoom participation, but we are working on it. If you are interested in attending the February 20 atelier/workshop message me.

    Jim Bliesner -President

  • 26 Dec 2024 5:05 PM | Lily Tanzer (Administrator)

    On December 1 the Guild hosted its Holiday Party at Gallery 21. It was a joyous event and John Ohl played Santa in his California garb!


    Members gathered to share food, conversation, and a festive afternoon with fellow artists.

    Guild Historian Jody Abssy created and presented an Anime book for Angelika Villegrana (holding many positions and wearing many hats throughout the years) in appreciation for all she does for the Guild and its members.

    The book was an expression of appreciation that all Guild members feel toward Angelika.


    1. Angelika may be a saint. 

    She stays calm when most of us ain't!

    2. She can no longer grin

    when we're under her skin.

    3. WHY can't my dear artist READ?

    4. We can sometimes bring tears to her eyes. Do you part. Submit art. Know its medium, title and size!

    5. Then she'll smile and all will be fine. 

    All of us "cats' herded into line.

    6. Look again and I know you will see

    who she is for you and for me

  • 3 Dec 2024 8:36 AM | Lily Tanzer (Administrator)

    Dear Members of the Artists Guild;

    WOW, what a month! First, the big opening at the new Dannmyer Community Gallery on November 12, 5:00 to 7:00pm, with a full contingent of Museum staff lead by the Director Roxanna Velasquez and Community Engagement Director Deirdre Guevara and Lucas Perez. The Museum provided excellent food and some smooth jazz and invited all the docents who will be staffing the Guild Highlights exhibit for the next four months. It was interesting to note that as the art was being hung a narrative about tis collective meaning was created and installed by Deirdre Guevera and will be included in the docent tours descriptions of the exhibit. Included in the exhibit on a video loop was the video about the Guild, some of its history provided by Jody Abyssy and comments by Roxana Velasquez, Curator Hugh Davies PHD and myself, President of the Guild. That final video is now on YouTube It was commissioned by the Guild board and completed by James Halfacre. Funds from artists membership dues were used for it. About 250 people were in attendance.

    In addition to the video the Guild unveiled a full color catalogue with resumes and images by all 46 artists. Each artist was provided with one and the remainder will be on sale for $20.00 at the museum bookstore. All proceeds are returned to the Guild for future projects.

    Then, as though that was not enough, the Guild opened another show in Balboa Park at Gallery 21 in Balboa Park on November 24-2:00-4:00. This show was juried by Alex DeCosta, Hyde Gallery and 40 artists were selected with three cash prizes and honorable mentions to three more. Thanks to all the Guild artists who volunteered to sit the gallery during the exhibit. The reception included refreshments, prize giving and an announcement of the upcoming Christmas get together at Gallery 21 on Dec. 1,4:00 to 6:00pm. Gifts will be exchanged, and Santa will be in attendance.

    Be sure to consult the Guild website for the upcoming exhibit at Phes Gallery in Carlsbad. The exhibit will go from April 6-May 31 with an entry deadline of March 1.

    You will recall the Board approved the effort to create an atelier/workshop in the Museum educational facility in the Prado in Balboa Park. Dates and schedule are being negotiated by VP Kevin Inman and Leslie Pierce. We look forward to your participation.

  • 2 Dec 2024 10:56 AM | Lily Tanzer (Administrator)

    2024 Membership Exhibition at Gallery 21

    Live at Gallery 21, Spanish Village, Balboa Park, San Diego, CA

    November 19 – December 2, 2024
    Online through December 2024:

    Juror Alex DeCosta
    Director, Hyde Art Gallery at Grossmont College
    Co-Founder & President, Front Row Center

    Congratulations to our

    First Place Award of Excellence Winner 

    Vincent Munch (2013)
    Unique Platinum/Palladium
    Print - $800.

    About Will:

    After spending seven years in medical research, Will Gibson turned his photographic hobby into a vocation in 1979. He opened his own studio a year later. By 1999, the business was a full-service commercial studio with a full wet lab and one-stop desktop publishing. What followed next was a three-year sojourn based in Columbus, Ohio, where he concentrated on his personal photography, traveling the art fair circuit all over the American east.

    Returning to Escondido, California, Gibson began teaching photography at Palomar College, and later also at UCSD Extension. During the next fifteen years he taught fifteen separate class titles, including Alternative Processes, Portraiture and Commercial Photography. He continued to exhibit his work in group and one-man shows, was a founding member of the PhotoArts Group in Escondido, co-produced six Best of Nature shows at the San Diego Natural History Museum and has been a speaker and juror in photo clubs in the greater San Diego area.

    Gibson is currently showing his varied work in his Escondido studio and exploring wet-plate collodion and digital infrared photography.

    About Vincent Munch:  Vincent Munch is a close-up image of the exposed bark of a Ponderosa Pine Gibson calls the Survivor in Rocky Mountain National Park. This tree has been hit by lightning, burned and otherwise contorted by the elements over at least a hundred years. The image was captured digitally with the technique of focus stacking where multiple images at different focal distnces are used to create a composite of uniform sharpness and focus. The resulting image was inverted in values and printed on a clear material to create a suitable negative for a unique print in platinum and palladium on rag paper. The photographer sees elements of the paintings Starry Night by Vincent Van Gogh and The Scream by Edvard Münch, hence the title.


    Congratulations to our

    Second Place Award of Excellence
    MAINTENANCE (2020)
    Oil on Linen - $2,800

    About John:
    I have been an architect with a private practice since 1983 specializing in the design of custom single-family homes. Starting in 2014, I have been making the professional transition into Fine Art. I am able to bring some of the unique skills acquired as an architect, into my oil paintings. My most recent work is an investigation into the human-condition. I have been exploring the aspects of man that distinguish humanity from machine as the line becomes increasingly blurred in the digital age. Stylistically best described as Abstract- Surrealism or Abstract-Realism.


    I paint with oil on linen. I used Fredrix acrylic primed linen that I stretch myself on 1 ¼” stretcher bars from Stretcher Bar Warehouse (you can buy online from central California factory). I use Princeton “Dakota’ 6300B paintbrushes (synthetic bristles. I mostly use Old Holland Paint or Windsor Newton. I use Utrecht alkyd glazing medium. The glazing medium allows me to build up many layers of paint over time. It also acts as an accelerator, so I can paint the next day. This painting is the product of about 20 sessions or layers. Each session is about 4 or 5 hours, not including painting the edges. The time between painting sessions gives me time to look at the work and plan the next move. I will work on a painting until I feel that I have little chance of making an improvement.

    Starting with the blank canvas I will transfer the images using various means. Some freehand or carbon paper, plus I will use photographs that I have taken. From that point I will paint in the classic style. Light to dark. Front to back. Thin to thick.  Which I learned from my only true painting teacher, Ardith Melzer. On my palette I will usually use two yellows, two reds, two blues and white. I always start a painting with black that I mix from the primaries. The darkest black I have found is using Prussian Blue and Cadmium Red Dark. After several painting sessions with different blacks, I will go straight to white tints to establish the highlights. I learned this from Norm Daniels, who is a plein air artist. He taught me that it is important to establish your lights right away, especially in plein air when the light is changing all the time. I know that I do not have the same time consideration, but it still helps to establish the composition early on. At this point I may start to see figures emerge from the canvas and I will need to draw over the canvas to bring them out. This will add more painting sessions in order to merge the added figures into the existing compositions. Once I have covered the whole canvas with paint, I will start all over and repaint it again several times. Each time sharpening the image and detailing as I go.

    About MAINTENANCE:  This painting entitled MAINTENANCE is part of a series that I have been working on for the last seven years and now totals over fifty paintings. I start the creative process by taking a number of photographs and superimposing them over each other.  I spend a lot of time carefully moving the images around on my computer till I get the correct composition. I then transfer the image onto the primed linen canvas. During the painting process, I continue to distort and pixelate the image giving the impression of a technological interference. I invented this process and it is unique to this series.

    MAINTENANCE was created during the holiday season. This time of year elicits mixed emotions. It can be both a fun and magical time of the year and also be very stressful and emotionally draining. And for some it is a period of religious introspection and devotion. I leave it up to the viewer to connect with this painting according to their personal experience.

    Congratulations to our

    Third Place Award of Excellence Winner 

    Amber & Unber (2023)
    Kiln Formed/Fused Glass - $400.

    About Marcy:

    I have worked with fused glass for over thirty years and have been a member of The San Diego Museum of Art Artist Guild for more than eighteen years. I draw |my inspiration from the vibrant colors of nature. Amber and Umber are two hues that are not commonly used in glass sculptures, and I wanted to create a piece that reflects their unique beauty together.


    Glass Art Association of Southern California

    There Ain’t Nothing Like a Dame

    Encinitas Art Night

    Small Image Show at Spanish Village Art Center

    La Jolla Art Association

    San Diego Museum of Art Artists Guild Show


    Cache (2024)
    Bronze - $3,300.

    Cascade Creek Falls (2008)
    White Ground EtchinG - $350.

    Breakfast Joy! (2024)
    Oil on Canvas - $4,000.

  • 22 Oct 2024 3:13 PM | Julianne B. Ricksecker (Administrator)

    October 6, 2024

    Dear Members of the Artists Guild;

    The Guild has finished the month with 135 members all resigned or new. Welcome to you all and I look forward to seeing your work in one of our exhibits or on the monthly zoom call. Thank you all for completing this annual ritual. We remain probably the largest practicing artists guild partnering with an art museum in the US. New members come mostly from San Diego but also throughout the US and Europe, a dynamic union.

    Remember, all members are invited to our monthly Saturday morning zoom call where artists show and discuss their most interesting work, new and old. Over 40 members regularly participate. Join us. Just click on the zoom link you receive in your email monthly. 

    REMINDER- All artists juried into the MOPA/MOMA show must deliver their work to the back of MOPA on OCTOBER 28. The opening reception at the MOPA Museum is November 12th. Wine, refreshments, speeches, a new Guild video and best of all member art, paintings and sculptures will be on display. This is the inaugural exhibit for the new Dannemeyer Community Gallery and not the last. The last time the Guild was exhibited in the Museum was 1997. So, let’s celebrate.

    Gallery 21 -Spanish Village Exhibit -Juror Alex DeCosta, Director, Hyde Park Gallery has selected the art for this show, and you will be receiving notice if you submitted work. The show will hang from Nov 19-Dec. 2 and the reception is Sunday, Nov 24, 2-4PM.

    A new gallery exhibit at the Phes Gallery in Carlsbad is being organized by Julie Weaverling, a Guild member. It will hang April 6-May 31. Submissions are due by March 10 so watch the website for announcements.

    Our board member and exhibition co-chair Leslie Pierce invites Guild members to promote their work on the Guild's Instagram:


    The video for the MOPA/SDMA exhibit by James Halfacre is nearing completion- about 13 minutes shown on a loop throughout the show. It includes an exciting welcome by Museum Executive Director and CEO Roxana Velasquez and juror Hugh Davies Ph.D, Director Emeritus-Museum of Contemporary Art San Diego. It also includes great shots of current Guild artists at work in their studios, past notable art covering the San Diego region by previous Guild artists as well as excellent images of the art in the current show. We are all part of an exciting cultural legacy so get painting, sculpting and dreaming and I will see you at the opening.

    Jim Bliesner, President

  • 30 Jul 2024 9:24 AM | Katerina Husar Lazarova (Administrator)

    Catalogue Statement

    Jim Bliesner -President

    San Diego Museum of Art-Artists Guild

    The San Diego Museum of Art-Artists Guild history is one of diversity, experiment and innovation. Guild visual artists, sculptors, and architects have played a major role in defining the artistic culture of the San Diego region for over 120 years. Its partnership with the Museum, starting with its inception, continues to present a national model of collaboration and community engagement.

    This exhibit continues this tradition and presents a new generation of Museum/Guild exhibitions. The juried artists present a dynamic and eclectic survey of art styles, materials and ideas. It also premiers the art book “100 Artists,100 Years” featuring Guild artists both in and out of the Museum collection.

    I am honored to be the incoming President of the Guild and look forward to many more outstanding exhibitions in and out of the San Diego Museum of Art and continuing to build artists membership and opportunities. It is my hope that the Guild will provide a dynamic community engagement opportunity for the Museum as well as Guild artists.

    We are sincerely appreciative and honored to be the inaugural exhibit in the new Museum community gallery.

  • 8 Jul 2024 10:33 AM | Katerina Husar Lazarova (Administrator)

    June 30, 2024

    Dear Members of the Artists Guild:

    We held our Annual Membership Meeting via Zoom on June 8.  Many thanks to all of you who took time to join us and vote for the board of directors’ candidates for our upcoming fiscal year (July 1, 2024, through June 30, 2025).  Our vice president, Jim Bliesner, has agreed to take over the president position on July 1, and Kevin Inman will step up as vice presidentBarbara Leitzel will continue to serve as treasurer.  John Ohl Webster has volunteered for the board secretary position, and I will continue to serve as membership chair, exhibitions co-chair and monthly Zoom meetings moderator.  Below is a listing of the new board members and their positions:


    JIM BLIESNER – President  

    KEVIN INMAN – Vice President/Exhibitions Committee

    BARBARA LEITZEL - Treasurer

    JOHN OHL WEBSTER - Board Secretary

    ANGELIKA VILLAGRANA – Membership Chair/

    Exhibitions Co-Chair/Zoom Meetings Moderator


    JODY ABSSY  - Member-at-Large

    Historian/Centennial Book/Exhibitions Committee 

    CECILIA ANASTOS - Member-at-Large/Exhibitions Committee

    LUNJIA HU - Member-at-Large

    SUSAN MAE HULL – Member-at-Large


    MARK-ELLIOTT LUGO – Member-at-Large/Centennial BookLESLIE PIERCE – Member-at-Large

    Exhibitions Committee/Guild Instagram

     JULIANNE RICKSECKER – Member-at-Large/Technical Assistance

    LILY TANZER – Member-at-Large

    *Katerina would like to step down as webmaster, but will remain in this position until we find a replacement for her.  If you have technical skills and are interested in serving as Artists Guild webmaster, please contact me. The webmaster is not required to become a board member (and attend monthly meetings).

    The following members have volunteered to serve on the Exhibitions Committee:

    Jody Abssy, Cecilia Anastos, Beryl Brenner, Holly Huxton (promotion), Kevin Inman, Leslie Pierce, Angelika Villagrana, Julie Weaverling.

    Upcoming Exhibitions:

    The San Diego Museum of Art has invited the Guild to hold amembership exhibition at MOPA@SDMA, the newMuseum of Photographic Arts at The San Diego Museum of Art.

    Highlights from The San Diego Museum of Art Artists Guild

    will be on view from November 9, 2024, through March 9, 2025 - Live and online.Reception:  Thursday November 14, 2024, 5 to 7 p.m.,at MOPA@SDMA.The reception will be shared with the Prix Pictet exhibition.

    The Museum gave us an early deadline for submissions.  Therefore, our juror, Hugh M. Davies, Ph.D., Director Emeritus, Museum of Contemporary

    Art San Diego, has already selected the artists for this exhibition.

    2024 Fall Membership Exhibition

    Live at Gallery 21, Spanish Village, and online

    November 19 – December 2, 2024

    Reception:  Sunday, November 24, 2 to 4 p.m.

    Juror:  Alex DeCosta, Gallery Director, Hyde Art Gallery, Grossmont College

    Celebrate the Season

    Holiday-themed Online Exhibition for Artist Members Only

    No Fee. Not Juried.December 5, 2024 – January 31, 2025

    During the Spring of 2025 we will host another Online Spring Exhibition

    open to members and non-members.

    Our Monthly Artists Guild Discussions Meetings on the second Saturday of each month, from10 a.m. to 12 noon Pacific Time, will continue via Zoom. These monthly meetings have attracted members and guests from all around the United States, Canada, and even Germany, France and Italy. Images of attendees’ artworks are always posted on the Guild Face Book page – (and click on FB).  Our next Zoom meeting will take place on Saturday, July 13, at from 10 a.m. to 12 noon PDT.

    I would like to invite you to join one or several of our board meetings to understand what issues we are dealing with and decide where you may assist usBoard meetings are held via Zoom on the first Tuesday of each month, from 10:15 a.m. to 12 noon.

    Board and monthly Zoom meeting announcements are listed on the Guild website: 

    San Diego County Fair Awards:

    The following artists who were juried in the Fair have received membership awards from the Guild:

    2024 Fine Art Exhibition

    Wanda Honeycutt - Precious Cargo – Mixed Media

    Ron Simmons - Skyscraper – Sculpture – Epoxy and Steel

    Michele Linden Shaw - Rottenburg 1  - Acrylic

    2024 Photography Competitive Exhibition

    Ernesto Corte - Primary Colors - Photograph

    Congratulations to the award winners. Their works are featured on the Guild website:

    Please note that membership renewal notices for our new fiscal year (July 1, 2024, through June 30, 2025) will be e-mailed to our members tonight.  Please do not renew your membership before tomorrow We very much hope that you will continue your membership with the Guild.

    Many thanks to our board members who are willing to continue their service on behalf of the Guild and to the Guild members who have agreed to assist us with our tasks.

    It has been my pleasure serving as your interim president for the past six months and I thank you for all your support. I look forward to continue working with you on the membership and exhibitions side, and as moderator of our monthly Zoom meetings. Congratulations to our new president Jim Bliesner. I know that he will do a fantastic job moving the Guild forward. 

    With best wishes,


    Interim President

    The San Diego Museum of Art Artists Guild

    The Artists Guild is the oldest Support Council of The San Diego Museum of Art –

  • 3 Jun 2024 2:15 PM | Katerina Husar Lazarova (Administrator)

    Dear Members of the Artists Guild:
    The Artists Guild will hold its annual
    General Meeting on Saturday, June 8, 2024,
    from 10 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. PDT via Zoom.  

    We hope you will join us for this
    important meeting. 

    During the meeting, you will receive updates on past and upcoming Guild activities and exhibitions.  
    Then, attending Artist Members will elect the
    Board of Directors for the coming fiscal year. 
    The slate of the proposed Board candidates
    is as follows:

    Jody Abssy 
    Cecilia Anastos
    Jim Bliesner
    Lunjia Hu
    Susan Mae Hull 
    Kevin Inman 
    Katerina Husar Lazarova
    Barbara Leitzel
    Mark-Elliott Lugo
    Leslie Pierce 
    Julianne Ricksecker
    Lily Tanzer
    Angelika Villagrana 

    Guild vice president Jim Bliesner has agreed
     to take over the Guild presidency 
    for the 2024/25 fiscal year.   
    Kevin Inman has agreed to step up as vice president.
    Barbara Leitzel will continue her role as treasurer.
    I will continue to serve as membership chair/exhibitions
     and moderator of the
    monthly Guild Zoom meetings. 
    Mark-Elliott Lugo has stepped down as board secretary but will continue to work with 
    Jody Abssy on the
    History Committee and the completion of the
    Guild’s Centennial Book.

    we need a board secretary to take minutes of the Guild’s monthly board meetings (first Tuesday of every month, from 10:15 a.m. to 12 noon).  This is an officer’s position. It would require approximately two hours to prepare the minutes. 
    If you are interested in serving as board secretary,
    please contact me. 

    Katerina Husar Lazarova, our current webmaster,would like to step down but will remain webmaster until we have found a replacement. If you have technical skills and are interested in serving as Artists Guild webmaster, please contact me.  You do not have to become a board member (and attend monthly meetings) for this position.

    Several board and Guild members have stepped up to assist me with exhibitions:
    Jody Abssy, Jim Bliesner, Kevin Inman,
    Leslie Pierce, Julie Weaverling

    We also need more help with marketing, promotion
    and hospitality. 

    There can be co-chairs for any position, or you may 
    only work on a small fraction of these positions.   

    If you are interested in volunteering, please contact me at (619) 222-1034 or 
    to discuss how you may assist us.  Thank you.

    After the board elections, board members will introduce themselves to you and you will hear an address by the new Guild president.

    After the formal meeting, we will, as always, invite attendees to share ONE of their works.  
    Since we have less time due to the formal meeting, we would like to extend the art exchange to 12:30 p.m. PDT and hope that will work for you.

    To receive the Zoom link for our June 8
    General Meeting, 
    please RSVP to me by Friday evening, June 7.  
    I look forward to seeing you virtually on June 8.
    Best wishes, and many thanks for
    your continued support of the Artists Guild.

    Angelika Villagrana, Interim President
    The San Diego Museum of Art Artists Guild
    (619) 222-1034 –

    The Artists Guild is the oldest Support Council of 
    The San Diego Museum of Art –


  • 6 Feb 2024 2:39 PM | Katerina Husar Lazarova (Administrator)

    Dear Members of the Artists Guild:

    Last December, Guild president Annie Kilgore resigned due to personal reasons. We thank her for her service to the Guild.  At our January board meeting, I was asked to serve Annie’s term through June 30, 2024 as interim president.  In July, our vice president, Jim Bliesner, will take over as president of the Guild.

    Artists Guild Membership Exhibition at MOPA@SDMA

    Last month, I informed you that, after more than 20 years, the Guild has been invited by
    The San Diego Museum of Art to have a membership exhibition at the new Museum of Photographic Arts at The San Diego Museum of Art (MOPA@SDMA) Community Gallery in Balboa Park.  At that time, we were under the impression that the deadline to submit work would be in mid-July. Jim and I met with our Museum partners and juror, Dr. Hugh Davies, a few days ago and were told that, due to the many exhibitions and events the Museum is working on, the deadline for submissions has to move to a much earlier date:  Friday, March 15, 2024, at 11:59 p.m. PDT.

    While that does not leave much time to create new work, the good news is that any of your works are eligible for submission, even if they have been shown in Guild exhibitions before. 
    There will be no restrictions as to the year the works have been created.

    We are in the process of finalizing the Call for Entries which will be published at the beginning of next week.  Meanwhile, I would like to give you the following specifics for the exhibition so that you can start planning:

    November 9, 2024 – March 9, 2025 - Live at the Museum of Photographic Arts 
    at The San Diego Museum of Art (MOPA@SDMA), Balboa Park
    during the months of November 2024 through March 2025 on the Guild website.
    DEADLINE TO ENTER:  Friday, March 15, 2024, at 11:59 p.m. PDT

    Delivery of Artwork:  Monday, October 28, 2024
    Thursday November 14, 2024, 5 to 7 p.m., at MOPA@SDMA.

    The reception will be shared with thePrix Pictet exhibition.  

    Juror:  Hugh M. Davies, Ph.D.
    Director Emeritus, Museum of Contemporary Art San Diego

    All current members of The San Diego Museum of Art Artists Guild are invited to submit work.
    All media will be accepted (including digital art), except videos and other media requiring special installation. Artists may submit three works at $25 for the first entry, and $5 for each additional image.  Since this will be a Museum exhibition, works will not be listed as “for sale.”
    We will use the platform for submissions.

    SIZE LIMITATIONS: Two-dimensional art shall not exceed 
    42 inches in width and 60 inches in height,
    including the frame. 
    Gallery-wrapped artwork will be accepted if edges are painted.
     Wall hung pieces may not exceed 30 pounds.
     Three-dimensional art (Sculpture) shall not exceed 60 pounds. 

    Maximum size:  3 feet h x 2 feet w x 2 feet d.

    Artists Guild 2024 Spring Online Exhibition:

    I also would like to remind you that the Call for Entries for our Spring Online Exhibition is on the Guild website: – direct link: The deadline to submit work is:  Sunday, March 3, 2024, at 11:59 p.m. PST.

    The exhibition will be juried by Nancy Lim, Associate Curator, San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, Department of Painting & Sculpture.

    Other Reminders:  All members may attend our monthly board meetings on the first Tuesday of each month from 10:15 a.m. to 12 noon via Zoom, and our monthly Zoom meetings on the second Saturday of each month from 10 a.m. to 12 noon.  The next Zoom meeting will take place on Saturday, February 10.  If you are interested, please contact me and I will send you the Zoom links. Images that artists show at our Zoom meetings are posted on the Guild’s Face Book page: and click on FB.

    Feel free to contact me with any comments or questions.

    Best wishes, Angelika

    Angelika Villagrana, Interim President

    The San Diego Museum of Art Artists Guild

    (619) 222-1034 –



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Email Us:

Mailing Address:
P.O. Box 122107
San Diego, CA 92112-2107